Edward L. Deci, Ph.D. has for 30 years served as the Director of the Monhegan Museum, and has been a member of the James Fitzgerald Legacy since its inception in 2003. As Museum Director, he has expanded the museum, replicating two historic buildings on Lighthouse Hill to increase the museum’s capacity to store and exhibit its collections. He has overseen the organization of annual art exhibitions and has supervised the development of exceptional collections of art and objects of historical significance to Monhegan. Deci has written and lectured about Monhegan’s art history extensively. His involvement with the Fitzgerald oeuvre dates back 35 years, and he was directly involved with exhibitions of Fitzgerald’s work at the Farnsworth Museum (1984), the Portland Museum of Art (1992), and at the Monhegan Museum (2001). Deci is a psychologist who holds the Gowen Professorship in the Social Sciences at the University of Rochester.