
James Fitzgerald’s immersion in Eastern philosophy, so evident in his art, also informed his personal outlook towards his work. He maintained a belief that if his art were any good, it would survive him, and that if were not, it shouldn’t. Free of the burdens of self-promotion, he was able to focus all his concentration on painting, quietly confident that he could leave the future of his artistic legacy to others.

For over thirty years, Anne and Edgar Hubert selflessly strove to promote their friend’s artistic heritage. Now, the James Fitzgerald Legacy and the Monhegan Museum of Art & History continue that tradition. If you too have an interest in the future of his artistic legacy, please consider supporting the work of the James Fitzgerald Legacy.

The program operates with a budget that is altogether independent of its parent institution, the Monhegan Museum of Art & History. Funds raised by the Legacy finance all aspects of our mission, including the promotion and research of the work, the archival storage and conservation of paintings, the professional high resolution photography of the work, and the costs entailed by future publications and exhibitions, among other things. The members of the Legacy, who contribute their services as volunteers, raise funds from individuals, as well as from grants and foundations.

You can also show your support with a purchase from our selection of Fitzgerald related items that are available from this site. All funds generated from the sales of these items help to support our work.

We look forward to your support! Please send your check to:

James Fitzgerald Legacy, Box 26, Monhegan ME 04852

or make your donation online via PayPal:

The James Fitzgerald Legacy gratefully acknowledges the generous support of its many individual supporters, and appreciates your involvement.